Cost-effective Underground Connections
Class 2B - underground services This authorisation permits the following work:
Installation, disconnection and reconnection of an underground service up to a rating of 100 amps at the Point of Common Coupling and/or the Connection Point; Note: The Point of Common Coupling may be at a network pillar or pillar standard (street light standard) suitable for connecting services for this class of authorisation - refer to Ausgrid’s publication S0095 NS199 Safe Electrical Work on Low Voltage Underground Assets. This authorisation does not permit connections at a network substation.
Pot ending of a de energised underground service up to a rating of 100 amps;
Straight-through jointing of a de energised underground service up to a rating of 100 amps. Prior written approval must be obtained from the local Network Connections office before proceeding with the installation of any straight-through joints in service cables;
The removal and replacement of an Ausgrid security seal at the service protection device (service fuse or circuit breaker)
The installation of an underground service up to a rating of 100 amps to an Ausgrid street pole up to 3 metres from ground level.