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Power Reconnects

Electricity can be extremely dangerous so to ensure your safety and the protection of workers on your property, you may need to disconnect your electrical supply for a short duration while undertaking work. 

Temporary disconnections keep everyone safe when working close to service points, or when renovating buildings and should only be requested when you will need your electricity supply to be reconnected in the near future.

Why would I need a power reconnect?

Whether you are trimming trees that are growing near wires or poles, moving or upgrading your meter box, repairing overhead or underground cables or installing a power pole on your property, it is important that you make safety your primary focus. Before working on or near any electrical equipment on your property, you will need to arrange a temporary disconnection of your power supply.

When you have safely completed your project and would like to reconnect to the network, you can arrange for one of our Level 2 ASP technicians to visit your property to reconnect your power to the electrical network.

Who can authorise a power reconnect?

Only Level 2 ASP electricians are authorised to disconnect and reconnect the power supply to your property, which general electricians are not trained to do. Power reconnection will only be possible when a Level 2 ASP electrician has deemed your building safe for resupply from the network.

Real Electrical Solutions’ team of technicians are authorised to work on the power grid and are committed to ensuring power reconnections are performed in a safe manner in accordance with all electrical regulations.

Power reconnects in Newcastle, Maitland, Central Coast, the Hunter Valley

To find out more about the temporary disconnection and reconnection of an existing power supply in Newcastle, Maitland, Central Coast, the Hunter Valley or surrounding areas, contact us on 0403306842, via email or by using our live chatbox.

ABN: 44 632 095 624
Electrical License: 270405C
Level 2 License : 4000270

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