Barge Fuses
Does your current electrical supply live up to your needs? Older houses with out-dated electrical supplies are unable to deal with current living requirements. A house with many modern electrical appliances such as washing machines, dishwashers, tumble-driers and AC units is at risk of overloading the electricity supply, causing the barge fuse to blow.
Real Electrical Solutions’ team of Level 2 ASP electricians are able to provide you with all the necessary services for carrying out electrical work to ensure your supply is dependable and secure.
Barge Board Fuse Replacement
A barge fuse blowing is proof that there is something wrong with your electrical supply. There are several reasons why this could happen.
Barge fuses need to be replaced or upgraded if they are:
Unsafe or out-dated
Fuses are frequently blowing
They unable to meet the demands of appliances such as AC units and dishwashers

What is a barge fuse and how is it replaced?
Barge fuses are mounted at the connection point near the bargeboard of your house. These fuses are installed between the Ausgrid service line and the customer’s main electricity supply. Due to the dangers involved in performing a barge fuse replacement, you will need to hire a professional to undertake the work.
There are strict restrictions for replacing barge fuses. Only qualified electrical contractors working for a metering provider are permitted to isolate the fuse at a switchboard and must arrange for it to be re-sealed once the work is completed. Pulling fuses at barge boards requires an
Accredited Service Provider authorised with the local distributor to perform the isolation.
Our team has all the necessary accreditation, authorisation and specialist equipment to replace your barge fuse safety and in a timely manner.
Barge fuse replacement in Newcastle, Maitland, Central Coast and the Hunter Valley
Most of us take electricity for granted until something goes wrong and our supply is interrupted. One of our experienced electricians will be able to help you solve your barge fuse problem to get your electricity supply working as normal again.
If you need a Level 2 electrician to carry out a barge fuse replacement in Newcastle, Maitland, Central Coast or the Hunter Valley get in touch with us on 0403306842, via email or by using our live chatbox.